Tbaħħir b'xejn mad-dinja kollha fuq l-ordnijiet kollha.

 Editja Traduzzjoni

Politika tat-tbaħħir

1. Orders will be ship out within 1-3 days and shipping will take around 7-15 Business days to send the package to you (Nota: we don’t ship out orders at weekend).

2. Once the order is shipped, we will send the tracking to your email. You can track the shipping on this website with the tracking number:


(Sometimes it takes 1-2 days after we shipping out to show update on the website)

3.You can cancel the order or change the shipping address anytime before we send the products out to you. But once the product has been shipped out, we cant refund or change the address.

Tbaħħir b'xejn mad-dinja kollha

Fuq l-ordnijiet kollha hawn fuq $50

Faċli 30 jiem jirritorna

30 jiem garanzija lura tal-flus

Garanzija Internazzjonali

Offrut fil-pajjiż tal-użu

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