Tbaħħir b'xejn mad-dinja kollha fuq l-ordnijiet kollha.

 Editja Traduzzjoni

Politika ta' Rifużjoni u Ritorn


We accept cancellations/returns items. We have a 3-Day Return Policy, which means all return requests, if eligible, must be raised within 3 days of receiving the delivery.
You can cancel the order or change the shipping address anytime before it ships. But once the product has been shipped , we can’t refund or change the address.

DoingVape shall be responsible for return collection, and the refund is processed within 7 days after the item is received and passes the quality check.

Jekk xi difetti huma kkawżati waqt it-trasport jew użu mhux xieraq,Aħna nibagħtulek sostitut fl-ordni li jmiss tiegħek.

Ix-xerrejja jistgħu jirritornaw l-oġġett(s) għal rifużjoni fi ħdan 7 jiem mill-jum tal-oġġett(s) ġew riċevuti, u x-xerrej għandu jħallas l-ispiża tat-tbaħħir tar-ritorn. L-oġġett(s) trid tiġi rritornata fl-istess kundizzjoni eżatta bħal darba kienet ikkunsinnata.

Ix-xerrejja jistgħu jirritornaw l-oġġett(s) għal rifużjoni jekk ma jkunux kif deskritti jew bi kwistjonijiet ta 'kwalità fi ħdan 7 jiem mill-jum tal-oġġett(s) ġew riċevuti. Ix-xerrej huwa meħtieġ li jħallas l-ispiża tat-tbaħħir tar-ritorn, ibbażat fuq il-kundizzjoni tal-oġġett(s) riċevuti.


Refunds are processed within 7 Business Days after the returned item has been received by DoingVape and checked for Quality & Condition.

All prepaid orders (Credit Card, PayPal, West union) are refunded to the original method of payment and cannot be substituted/transferred to any other method.

Only via an online transfer to a Bank Account. Buyer is liable to bear any costs/fees applied by the bank for the transaction and/or currency exchange.

All international transactions are converted to USD and the received amount shall be refunded to the buyer’s original method of payment for the exact value as received. Any difference in the refund amount due to currency exchange is the responsibility of the buyer.

Credit card refunds, once initiated, may take 7-14 Business Days to complete the bank’s processing and be credited to the buyer’s account. Bank Transfers may take 3-5 Business Days for completion once processed.

Refund shall be processed for 100% value of the item(s) and does not include any Shipping Costs, , Vouchers, Customs Duties & Taxes, and/or any other local taxes paid by the buyer.
In case of an unsuccessful delivery, any Customs Duties & Taxes borne by DoingVape shall be deducted from the buyer’s refund.


How does it work?

If you need to return a refund, please contact us at support@doingvape.com.

Tbaħħir b'xejn mad-dinja kollha

Fuq l-ordnijiet kollha hawn fuq $50

Faċli 30 jiem jirritorna

30 jiem garanzija lura tal-flus

Garanzija Internazzjonali

Offrut fil-pajjiż tal-użu

100% Checkout Sikur

PayPal / MasterCard / Viża