UZY BANG BC5000 0% 2% 3% 5% nicotine 5000puffs disposable electronic cigarettes


Introducing the UZY BANG BC5000— a disposable electronic cigarette offering 5000 puffs and available in nicotine strengths of 0%, 2%, 3%, and 5%.

Designed for simplicity and convenience, the UZY BANG BC5000 caters to a wide range of preferences, whether you prefer a nicotine-free experience or desire a stronger hit.

Experience the ease and versatility of the UZY BANG BC5000—a disposable electronic cigarette designed to provide satisfaction with every puff.

UZY BANG BC5000 0% 2% 3% 5% nicotine 5000puffs disposable electronic cigarettes $31.25

Nota: It-togħma każwali tirreferi għal vjeġġi każwali, 1 togħma għal kull kaxxa, 10pcs kull kaxxa

Tbaħħir b'xejn mad-dinja kollha fuq l-ordnijiet kollha fuq $100

  • Kwalità eċċezzjonali u prestazzjoni mingħajr paragun.
  • Estetika u karattru distintiv li jġibu l-għajn.
  • Prezzijiet kompetittivi b'valur rapidu.
  • Għażliet multipli mogħtija fil-pront.
  • Servizz tal-klijent għall-paċi tal-moħħ u tweġibiet malajr.
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UZY Bang BC5000 Puffs Disposable Vape Kit: Elevate Your Vaping Experience

Indulge in an amazing vaping feeling with the UZY Bang BC5000 Disposable Vape Kit, delivering strong performance in a compact design. This kit features a 650mAh battery, a generous 12ml pre-filled e-liquid tank, and a chic package with a convenient type-C port. The 1.2OHM mesh coil enhances the vape’s taste, while a rubber stopper at the mouthpiece prevents leakage. Choose from 12 hot flavors for a perfect vaping journey. With its compact design and gradient color figure, the UZY Bang BC5000 is an ideal companion for parties, entertainment, and vacations.

Key Features:

  • 650MAH Batterija Inkorporata
  • 12ml E-meraq mimli minn qabel
  • Nicotine Levels: 0%, 2%, 3%, 5%
  • Tissodisfa Kważi 5000 Puffs
  • Teknoloġija coil tal-malja
  • 12 Togħmiet disponibbli
  • Ippakkjar: Kaxxa ta 10 biċċiet

How to Use:

  1. Iġbed il-plagg tas-silikonju.
  2. Tear off the sticker.
  3. Ħalliha toqgħod għal 3 minutes after tearing off the sticker, then you can start using it.

Available Flavors:

  1. Kiwi tal-frawli
  2. Watermelon Ice
  3. Blue Razz Ice
  4. Kiwi Passion Fruit Guava
  5. Mango Peach
  6. Summer Peach Ice
  7. Triple Mango
  8. Watermelon Bubblegum
  9. Blueberry Fuq Is-Silġ
  10. Frawli Dulliegħa
  11. Cranberry Grape
  12. Monster Energy

Why Choose Us: As the Source Factory of UZY, we prioritize customer experience and satisfaction. Faċli biex tużah u timmaniġġa, the UZY Bang BC5000 is a great choice for trips or daily use. With 12 hot flavors and different stylish patterns, the tastes are pure. The rounded, curved mouthpiece design fits the shape of your mouth perfectly, providing a better user experience. This vape adopts a fashionable package and compact design with mesh coil technology, significantly improving the taste and MOD of e-cigarettes. Various salt volumes are available to suit different countries’ politiki tas-sigaretti elettroniċi. Customized products and bulk orders are also welcomed.


  • About Product
    • Q1: Kif tagħmel ordni?
    • A1: Choose your quantity and contact us. We’ll send you the actual picture and color of the product, and after your selection, we’ll arrange the warehouse to pick up your order.
    • Q2: Nistgħu npoġġu l-marka tagħna (logo) fuq il-prodott?
    • A2: Iva, nistgħu nipprintjaw il-marka tiegħek (logo) on the Vape Pen.
  • Fuqna
    • Q1: Int manifattur?
    • A1: Iva, aħna manifattur b'esperjenza bil-forom u l-linji ta 'produzzjoni privattiva tagħna stess.
    • Q2: X'inhi l-linja tal-prodott prinċipali tiegħek?
    • A2: We specialize in Vape Pen, Vape Mod, Vape li jintremew, u sigaretti elettroniċi.
  • Dwar il-Loġistika
    • Q1: X'inhu l-port tal-kunsinna tiegħek?
    • A1: L-eqreb port tagħna huwa Ħong Kong, Iċ-Ċina.
    • Q2: How long to prepare shipment after placing an order?
    • A2: Normalment jistgħu jintbagħtu fi ħdan 3 jiem.
    • Q3: What logistics do you use?
    • A3: We use air transportation. It will take 3~7 days for shipping (skond il-pajjiż tad-destinazzjoni) permezz tal-UPS, DHL, Fedex, TNT, EMS, Espress bl-ajru, eċċ.
    • Q4: When can I track my order?
    • A4: Wara li jintbagħat il-pakkett, inti tirċievi notifika bl-email li jkun fiha n-numru tat-traċċar.
    • Q5: Any customs clearance issues?
    • A5: We cooperate with professional logistics and transportation companies to ensure smooth customs clearance.
  • Ritorni u Skambji
    • All products are strictly inspected before packaging to ensure a defect rate of less than 1%.
    • If any defects occur during transportation or improper use, we will send you a substitute in your next order.
    • Ix-xerrejja jistgħu jirritornaw l-oġġett(s) għal rifużjoni fi ħdan 7 jiem mill-jum tal-oġġett(s) ġew riċevuti, and the buyer is responsible for the return shipping cost. L-oġġett(s) trid tiġi rritornata fl-istess kundizzjoni eżatta bħal darba kienet ikkunsinnata.
    • Ix-xerrejja jistgħu jirritornaw l-oġġett(s) for a refund if they are not as described or have quality issues within 7 jiem mill-jum tal-oġġett(s) ġew riċevuti. The buyer is required to afford the return shipping cost, ibbażat fuq il-kundizzjoni tal-oġġett(s) riċevuti.


  • Welcome to contact us with any questions or inquiries. We appreciate your feedback to improve our services. L-email tiegħek normalment tiġi mwieġba fi ħdan 24 sigħat. If you don’t receive our reply, kindly resend your email, and we’ll respond as soon as possible.
Agħżel it-Togħmiet Tiegħek

1.Kiwi tal-frawli, 2.Watermelon Ice, 3.Blue Razz Ice, 4.Kiwi Passion Fruit Guava, 5.Mango Peach, 6.Summer Peach Ice, 7.Triple Mango, 8.Watermelon Bubblegum, 9.Blueberry Fuq Is-Silġ, 10.Frawli Dulliegħa, 11.Cranberry Grape, 12.Monster Energy


0%, 2%, 3%, 5%


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