Randm Tornado 9000 Puff is a disposable vape device with a cool design and it is rechargable. It contains 18ml 2/5% nicotine salt juice and vapes up to 9000 puffs. Hemm 48 flavors for you to choose from. The rechargeable port at the bottom of the device guarantees you finish the last drop of the e-juice in the tank all the time. Morely it is very easy to use without any operation and 0.8 OHM mesh coil brings you a perfect vaping experience. Benefiting to compact design , it is easy to handle to everywhere what you want to go .
☆ Specification of Randm Tornado 9000 Vape:
850MAH Batterija Inkorporata
18ml E-meraq mimli minn qabel
2% 5% Livell tan-Nikotina
Tissodisfa Kważi 9000 Puffs
0.8 ohm mesh coil
6 Kuluri RGB dawl
48 Togħmiet disponibbli
With lanyard
Ippakkjar:Kaxxa ta 10 biċċiet
☆ Użu ta 'Gwida:
Tear off the packaging paper at the bottom of the product
Craving a long-lasting, hassle-free vape experience? Look no further than the Randm Tornado 9000 Puff Vape! This innovative disposable vape delivers a staggering 9000 puffs (Puff 9K), making it the ideal companion for extended journeys or those seeking a long-lasting vaping solution.
Say Goodbye to Frequent Recharging and Refilling
Ir-Randm Tornado 9000 boasts a pre-filled e-liquid tank with enough capacity to deliver an incredible 9000 puffs. This eliminates the need for constant refilling, allowing you to simply enjoy the delicious flavors and satisfying vapor production without interruption. Barra minn hekk, the integrated battery boasts enough power to fuel all 9000 puffs, so you won’t have to worry about running out of charge mid-use.
Unveiling the Power of the Randm Tornado 9000
Ir-Randm Tornado 9000 isn’t just about longevity; it also packs a flavorful punch. Available in a wide range of exciting options, you’re sure to find the perfect taste to tantalize your palate. Whether you prefer the sweet and refreshing notes of fruit or the more complex profiles of dessert flavors, il-Randm Tornado 9000 has something for everyone.
Introducing the Randm Tornado 9000 to Your Pocket
This disposable marvel is designed for ultimate convenience. Its compact and lightweight design makes it easy to slip into your pocket or bag, ensuring you can enjoy a satisfying vape anytime, anywhere. The user-friendly draw-activated mechanism eliminates the need for buttons or settings, making it perfect for both experienced vapers and those new to the scene.
Unbeatable Value with the Randm Tornado 9000 Puff Disposable Vape
With its exceptional 9000 puff capacity, flavorful e-liquid options, and user-friendly design, il-Randm Tornado 9000 offers unmatched value for money. Compared to traditional vapes that require frequent refills and recharges, il-Randm Tornado 9000 provides a cost-effective and convenient alternative.
Looking for “Randm 9000,” “Randm Vape 9000,” or “Tornado 9000 Puff Vape?”
Your search ends here! Ir-Randm Tornado 9000 perfectly embodies all these terms, offering a 9000 puff disposable vape experience under the trusted Randm brand name.
Elevate your vaping experience with the enduring champion, il-Randm Tornado 9000 Puff Vape. Order yours today!
☆ Randm 9000 Flavors List :
01.Blueberry Lampun
02.Mr Blue
03.Frawli Dulliegħa
04.Orange Soda
05.Watermelon Bubble Gum
06.Rainbow Candy
07.Luminata Roża
08.Peachy Mango Pineapple
09.Strawberry Banana
10.Silġ Lush
11.Black Dragon Ice
12.Aloe Grape
13.Blue Razz Ice
14.Kiwi Passion Fruit Guava
15.Gummy Bear
16.Berries Imħallta
17.Kessaħ Mint
18.Raspberry Watermelon
19.Peach Lemonade
20.Guava Ice
21.Strawberry Lemonade
22.Watermelon Brazz Ice
23.Banana Custard
24.Peach Berry
25.Strawberry Cream
26.Sour Candy
29.Fizzy Cherry
30.Blueberry Cherry Cranberry
32. Skittles
33.Black Ice
35.Bluelicious Ice
36.Strawberry Ice
37.Blue Razz Kush
38.Pop tas-Silġ
39.Blueberry Sour Raspberry
41.Cherry Peach Lemonade
42.Strawberry Raspberry Cherry
43.Triple Mango
44.Strawberry Raspberry Ice
45.Strawberry Watermelon Bubblegum
46.Prime Strawberry Watermelon
47.Watermelon Ice
48.Blueberry Ice
☆ Why choose Randm Vape 9000
9000 Puff Disposable Vape comes from the original RandM factory, which is managed to improve customer experience and satisfaction.
Faċli biex tużah u timmaniġġa, it is a good choice during trip or daily use .
Tornado Puff 9000 has 48 flavors that give you a vaping experience of diverse taste
100% Original products, quality assurance, can use TYPE-C charging, can be filled quickly. New packaging and appearance total, using oil core separation technology, safe, reliable, stylish, and healthy.
The vape small and light, high level of appearance, 100% high quality, replacements are available if any defectives.
Q1:Kif tagħmel ordni?
1.Tista 'tagħżel direttament il-kwantità li għandek bżonn , u mbagħad tista’ tikkuntattjani, Nibgħatlek l-istampa attwali u l-kulur tal-prodott, u wara li tagħżel, Se nirranġa l-maħżen biex niġbor l-ordni tiegħek
Q2:Nistgħu npoġġu l-marka tagħna (logo) fuq il-prodott?
2.Iva, nistgħu nipprintjaw il-marka tiegħek (logo) fuq Vape Pen.
Q1:Int manifattur?
1.Iva, aħna manifattur b'esperjenza bil-forom u l-linji ta 'produzzjoni privattiva tagħna stess.
Q2:X'inhi l-linja tal-prodott prinċipali tiegħek?
2.Aħna manifattur professjonali ta 'Vape Pen, Vape Mod, Vape li jintremew, u sigaretti elettroniċi.
– Dwar il-Loġistika
Q1: X'inhu l-port tal-kunsinna tiegħek?
1.L-eqreb port tagħna huwa Ħong Kong, Iċ-Ċina.
Q2: Jien għamilt ordni, kemm se tieħu biex tipprepara l-ġarr?
2.Normalment jistgħu jintbagħtu fi ħdan 3 jiem
Q3: Minn liema loġistika tibgħat
Aħna nużaw it-trasport bl-ajru. Se jieħu 3 ~ 7 ijiem għat-tbaħħir (skond il-pajjiż tad-destinazzjoni) permezz tal-UPS, DHL, Fedex, TNT, EMS, Espress bl-ajru, eċċ.
Q4: Meta se nkun kapaċi nsegwi l-ordni tiegħi?
Wara li jintbagħat il-pakkett, inti tirċievi notifika bl-email li jkun fiha n-numru tat-traċċar.
Q5: Hemm xi problemi bil-merkanzija biex tneħħi d-dwana?
Aħna nikkooperaw mal-loġistika professjonali u l-kumpanija tat-trasport biex niżguraw li l-merkanzija tgħaddi mid-dwana bla xkiel.
– Dwar Ritorni U Skambji
1.Il-prodotti kollha huma spezzjonati b'mod strett qabel l-ippakkjar biex jiżguraw li r-rata difettuża tkun inqas minn 1%.
2. Jekk xi difetti huma kkawżati waqt it-trasport jew użu mhux xieraq,Aħna nibagħtulek sostitut fl-ordni li jmiss tiegħek.
3. Ix-xerrejja jistgħu jirritornaw l-oġġett(s) għal rifużjoni fi ħdan 7 jiem mill-jum tal-oġġett(s) ġew riċevuti, u x-xerrej għandu jħallas l-ispiża tat-tbaħħir tar-ritorn. L-oġġett(s) trid tiġi rritornata fl-istess kundizzjoni eżatta bħal darba kienet ikkunsinnata.
4.Ix-xerrejja jistgħu jirritornaw l-oġġett(s) għal rifużjoni jekk ma jkunux kif deskritti jew bi kwistjonijiet ta 'kwalità fi ħdan 7 jiem mill-jum tal-oġġett(s) ġew riċevuti. Ix-xerrej huwa meħtieġ li jħallas l-ispiża tat-tbaħħir tar-ritorn, ibbażat fuq il-kundizzjoni tal-oġġett(s) riċevuti.
☆ Merħba tikkuntattjana
*Merħba tikkuntattjana jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet tħossok liberu.
*Jekk għandek xi kummenti jew suġġerimenti, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana. Aħna lesti ħafna li nikkomunikaw miegħek biex intejbu s-servizzi tagħna.
*L-email tiegħek normalment tiġi mwieġba fi ħdan 24 sigħat, Jekk ma tirċevix it-tweġiba tagħna, jekk jogħġbok ġentilment bagħtet mill-ġdid l-email tiegħek u aħna nwieġbuk kemm jista 'jkun malajr.
S'issa m'hemmx reviżjonijiet.