IGET Legend 5% Nicotine Disposable Vape 4000 Puff


Introducing the IGET Legend—a disposable vape delivering a potent 5% nicotine strength and offering up to 4000 puffs.

Designed for simplicity and convenience, the IGET Legend provides an authentic vaping experience without the need for refills or recharging. Whether you’re new to vaping or an experienced enthusiast, this disposable vape ensures a satisfying hit with every puff.

Experience the potency and convenience of the IGET Legend—a nicotine-rich disposable vape designed to enhance your vaping journey.

IGET Legend 5% Nicotine Disposable Vape 4000 Puff $29.85
This item is selling fast!

Nota: It-togħma każwali tirreferi għal vjeġġi każwali, 1 togħma għal kull kaxxa, 10pcs kull kaxxa

Tbaħħir b'xejn mad-dinja kollha fuq l-ordnijiet kollha fuq $100

  • Kwalità eċċezzjonali u prestazzjoni mingħajr paragun.
  • Estetika u karattru distintiv li jġibu l-għajn.
  • Prezzijiet kompetittivi b'valur rapidu.
  • Għażliet multipli mogħtija fil-pront.
  • Servizz tal-klijent għall-paċi tal-moħħ u tweġibiet malajr.
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The IGET Legend starts to set our standards high, with enough storage to provide 12mL of E-liquid and 4000 puffs, this model will exceed your expectations. With the Legend, you can enjoy a sophisticated look with it’s premium aluminium case and comfortable mouthpiece. Easily take a drag from the canister and enjoy a relaxing moment during the day. The Legend is a perfect model for the intermediate to advanced vaper.

IGET Legend 4000 Advantage

  • Device Details: Size: 35 x 25 x 150mm
  • Cell Capacity: 1350mAh
  • Total Puffs: + 4000 Puffs
  • E-liquid Capacity: 12ml
  • Flavours: Many to choose from
  • Included in the pack: 1 x IGET Legend disposable 4000 puff vaporiser

Flavor List

1.Grape ice
2.Lush ice
3.Passion fruit mango ice
4.Peach pineapple lime
5.Strawberry watermelon
6.Blueberry raspberry grape ice
7.Blackberry ice
8.Cola lemon soda
9. Strawberry kiwi ice
10.Mango banana ice
11.Passion fruit melon ice
12.Raspberry watermelon lemon
13.Pink lemon orange ice

Shipping Methods

We cooperate with UPS/DHL/FEDEX/DPD, etc.we will choose the appropriate shipping option depending on the country of delivery to ensure that you receive your products as quickly as possible.

Shipping to the United States usually takes 10 days to arrive. Shipping to European countries usually takes 12 to 15 days to arrive, and we will update the logistics information in real time.

We assure you of a hassle-free experience as we will take care of the custom clearance process, and there will be no tax charges incurred. We guarantee that 100% of our products will pass custom clearance.

Agħżel it-Togħmiet Tiegħek

Togħmiet bl-addoċċ(twassil veloċi), Kessaħ Mint, Silġ Lush, Silġ tat-tangerine, Frawli Donut, Gummy Bear, Blueberry Fuq Is-Silġ, Mango Fuq is-silġ, Ħawħ Silġ, Silġ tal-banana, Silġ tal-Għeneb, Luminata Roża, Pina Colada Rum, Berries Imħallta, Milkshake tal-banana, Frawli Dulliegħa, Tuffieħ Aħmar Lumi, Silġ tal-ananas, Ħelu tal-qoton, Banana tal-frawli, Silġ tal-frawli, Kiwi tal-frawli, Silġ aħmar tal-enerġija, Luminata razz blu, Silġ tat-tuffieħ aħmar, Luminata tal-berry, Bubblegum tal-blueberry, Lampun qares blu, Sur blu, Lanġas tal-ħawħ tat-tuffieħ, Rummien blueberry, Vimto, Guava tal-frott tal-passjoni tal-kiwi, Kola, Tuffieħ qares, Mentol tal-passolina sewda, Demm Tiger, Kandju blueberry tal-ħawħ, Mango tal-ħawħ, Frawli Red Bull, Silġ tal-passolina sewda, Frawli Dulliegħa Luminata, Ċirasa, Blue Razz Cherry, Skittles, Blueberry Lampun, Għeneb tal-frawli, Blueberry Cherry Cranberry, Splużjoni tat-tuffieħ Berry, Cherry Cola, Lumi & Ġir


2%, 5%


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