Bang King 12000 Puffs


Bang king 12000 puff instant electronic cigarette adopts a one-puff ignition mechanism to provide you with a clear and pleasant experience for every click.

Kwantità tax-xiri Prezz skontat
10 - 29 $11.88
30 - 59 $8.28
60 - 99 $7.58
100 - 199 $7.08
200 + $6.88
Bang King 12000 Puffs $16.32

Nota: It-togħma każwali tirreferi għal vjeġġi każwali, 1 togħma għal kull kaxxa, 10pcs kull kaxxa

Tbaħħir b'xejn mad-dinja kollha fuq l-ordnijiet kollha fuq $100

  • Kwalità eċċezzjonali u prestazzjoni mingħajr paragun.
  • Estetika u karattru distintiv li jġibu l-għajn.
  • Prezzijiet kompetittivi b'valur rapidu.
  • Għażliet multipli mogħtija fil-pront.
  • Servizz tal-klijent għall-paċi tal-moħħ u tweġibiet malajr.
Checkout Sikur Garantit

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Bang King 12000 is disposable vape pod. The compact device has a built-in type-c rechargeable 850mAh battery and 23ml pre-filled salt nicotine e-juice that can power up to 12000 puffs, Mesh coil brings a pure flavor taste, enjoy the fantastic flavor from the very first puff to the last.


  • 850MAH Batterija Inkorporata
  • Rikarikabbli
  • Efficient And Consistent Power Delivery
  • 23ml E-meraq mimli minn qabel
  • 0% 2% 3% 5% Livell tan-Nikotina
  • Tissodisfa Kważi 12000 Puffs
  • Fluss ta 'arja aġġustabbli

Flavor List

  1. Pineapple Coconut Ice
  2. Watermelon Bubblegum
  3. Triple Berry Ice
  4. Ħawħ Silġ
  5. Pomegranate
  6. Melon Mint
  7. Rainbow Sherbert
  8. Strawberry Mango
  9. Royal Grape
  10. Passion Kiss
  11. Double Apple
  12. Peach Mango
  13. Kiwi tal-frawli
  14. Watermelon Ice
  15. Melon Blue
  16. Love 66
  17. Sex On The Beach
  18. Peach Berry

Shipping Methods

We cooperate with UPS/DHL/FEDEX/DPD, etc.we will choose the appropriate shipping option depending on the country of delivery to ensure that you receive your products as quickly as possible.

Shipping to the United States usually takes 10 days to arrive. Shipping to European countries usually takes 12 to 15 days to arrive, and we will update the logistics information in real time.

We assure you of a hassle-free experience as we will take care of the custom clearance process, and there will be no tax charges incurred. We guarantee that 100% of our products will pass custom clearance.

Agħżel it-Togħmiet Tiegħek

Togħmiet bl-addoċċ(twassil veloċi), 01.Pineapple Coconut Ice, 02.Watermelon Bubblegum, 03.Triple Berry Ice, 04.Ħawħ Silġ, 05.Pomegranate, 06.Blue Razz Ice, 07.Frawli Dulliegħa, 08.Melon Mint, 09.Rainbow Sherbert, 10.Strawberry Mango, 11.Royal Grape, 12.Passion Kiss, 13.Double Apple, 14.Peach Mango, 15.Kiwi tal-frawli, 16.Watermelon Ice, 17.Melon Blue, 18.Love 66, 19.Sex On The Beach, 20.Peach Berry


0%, 2%, 3%, 5%


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