RandM Tornado 7000 Puffs Disposable Vape


R And M Tornado 7000 is a high-capacity disposable vape device that offers up to 7000 puffs of flavorful vapor.

Purchase quantity Discounted price
10 - 29 $11.73
30 - 59 $8.91
60 - 99 $8.06
100 - 199 $7.90
200 + $7.17
RandM Tornado 7000 Puffs Disposable Vape $16.13

Athugið: Random flavor refer to random shipments, 1 flavor per box, 10pcs per box

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RandM Tornado 7000 Puff Disposable Vape offers a hassle-free vaping experience that delivers impressive performance. 7000 Puff Disposable Vapes is a high-capacity disposable vape device that offers up to 7000 puffs of flavorful vapor. R&M Tornado 7000 features an 850mAh battery, a massive 14ml pre- filled e-liquid tank, adjustable airflow control, a Type-C charging port, and an RGB light. Einnig, the draw-activated firing mechanism makes it incredibly easy to use. On the other hand, its cool and stylish patterns will make you stand out from the crowd, 56 flavors available, and mesh coil technology gives you an excellent vaping experience. With a compact design, the RandM Tornado 7000 Vape is perfect for vaping on a trip, party, or daily union.

7000 Puff Disposable Vapes: Experience Flavor That Lasts

You can be free from the need to dispose of your vapes frequently and feel completely satisfied for an elongated period by utilizing disposable varieties that feature 7000 púst! These state-of-the-art gadgets, which are designed with portability in mind, are stuffed with power and provide several thousands of puffs before they run out. If you are an experienced electronic cigarette smoker who is always on the move or an amateur who wants a zero hassle introduction, the 7000 puff disposable vapes will be perfect for you.

Pústir 7000: Long-lasting Disposable Vapes

Picture yourself being able to vape consistently for weeks instead of days. This what makes 7000 puffs disposable vapes unique. Unlike refillable vapes that require frequent coil changes and e-liquid refills, these disposables come with already filled tanks that contain high-quality e-juice alongside pre-installed coils. It is just a matter of opening them and vaping!

Pocket-Sized & Endurhlaðanlegt: The 7000 Puff Vape

However small they may seem, do not take them lightly because these are vaping monsters. With enough juice and battery life to support many hundred satisfying drags, you can use them on a daily basis or have them with you when traveling for long periods. No more running out of juice half way through your trip or leaving behind your charger as you go for vacation.

Randm Tornado 7000: The Perfect Puff 7K Companion

The Randm Tornado 7000 is a perfect example of a premium quality disposable vape with the attributes of a 7000 puff capability.
Puff 7K has an elegant, shiny appearance, which entitles it to 14ml e-liquid storage and a powerful battery of 1000mAh. The 7k Puff offers various flavors for everyone’s taste buds. Additionally, the Randm 7000 is rechargeable; you can easily replenish it with Type-C USB charger.

High Capacity 7000 Pústir

7000 Puffs disposable vapes is vast and thrilling. In terms of flavor profiles, tastes range from classic tobacco to mouth-watering fruits or indulgent desserts. Additionally, many offer adjustable airflow control on their 7000 puff vapes that let you customize your experience while vaping.

Choosing the Right R&M Tornado 7000 That Produces up to 7000 Vape

A variety of disposable vapes have been developed in response to this need for longer lasting puffs including those that give up to seven thousand puffs. Given that there are so many options in this market segment it may seem difficult when trying to choose one but considering factors such as flavor preference, nicotine strength, portability and even aesthetics will help one in making an informed decision. Check online reviews and see what other vapers think about different brands and models too.

The Convenience Price: How Much Does the Randm Tornado 7000 Price

The initial cost of a 7000 puff disposable vape might cause it to look much expensive than a refillable vape but think about convenience. It may be much cheaper in the long run because there is no need of purchasing any more e-liquid or coils for it. Compared with other high-quality 7000 puff disposable vapes, the Randm Tornado 7000 price is rather competitive.

A Final Word on 7000 Puff Vapes

Convenience combined with portability and long-lasting flavors provide a unique selling point for 7000 puff disposable vapes. This might serve you as an excellent backup if you are a dedicated vaper or simply exploring the world vaping for the first time. Get started today and see how amazing puffs 7,000 are!

☆Randm Tornado 7000 Vape Specification:

850mAh Innbyggð rafhlaða


14ml Áfylltur E-safi

2% 5% Nikótínmagn

Fullnægja Næstum 7000 Pústir

Adjustable airflow

Mesh coil technology

6 Litir RGB ljós

56 Bragðefni í boði

Umbúðir:Kassi af 10 stykki

☆ Notaðu leiðbeiningar:

Step 1: Pull out the silicone plug

Step 2: Tear off the striker

Step 3: Let it stand for 3 min after tearing off the sticker, then you can use it

☆ Bragðlisti:

01.Cool Mint

02.Lush Ice

03.Tangerine ice

04.Strawberry Donut

05.Gummy Bear

06.Blueberry On Ice

07.Mango on ice

08.Peach Ice

09.Banana Ice

10.Grape Ice

11.Pink Lemonade

12.Pina Colada Rum

13.Mixed Berries

14.Banana Milkshake

15.Stawberry Watermelon

16.Red Apple Lemon

17.Pinapple ice

18.Cotton Candy

19.Strawberry banana

20.Strawberry ice

21.Strawberry Kiwi

22.Red energy ice

23.Blue razz lemonade

24.Red apple ice

25.Berry lemonade

26.Blueberry bubblegum

27.Bluesour raspberry

28.Mr blue

29.Apple peach pear

30.Blueberry pomegranate


32.Kiwi passion fruit guava


34.Sour apple

35. Blackcurrant menthol

36.Tiger blood

37.Peach blueberry candy

38.Peach mango


40.Blackcurrant Ice

41.Strawberry Watermelon Lemonade


43.Blue Razz Cherry


45.Bláberja hindberjum

46.Strawberry grape

47.Blueberry Cherry Cranberry

48.Apple Berry blast

49.Cherry Cola

50. Lemon & Lime

51.Pink Burst

52.Pacific Coole

53.Ice Pop

54.Bingo Crush

55.Vimto Crush

56. Tobacco

☆Why choose us

R&M Tornado 7000 comes from the original RandM factory, which managed to improve customer experience and satisfaction.

Auðvelt í notkun og meðhöndlun, it is a good choice during trips or daily use.

Það eru 56 fantastic flavors with different stylish monkey patterns to choose from in the Tornado 7000.

This 7000 Puff Vape adopts an Integrated 850mAh battery with a Type-c charging port, which can be recharged until the liquid is exhausted.

With mesh coil technology which significantly improves the taste and MOD of e-cigarettes. Einnig, a variety of salt volumes are available to suit different countries’ stefnur um rafsígarettur.

Athugið: Ef þú vilt Ef þú þarft sérsniðnar vörur og magnpantanir, það er líka ásættanlegt.

☆ Algengar spurningar


Q1: Hvernig á að leggja inn pöntun?

1.Þú getur beint valið það magn sem þú þarft, og þá geturðu haft samband við mig, Ég mun senda þér raunverulega mynd og lit vörunnar, og eftir að þú velur, Ég mun raða vöruhúsinu til að sækja pöntunina þína

Q2:Getum við sett vörumerkið okkar (lógó) á vörunni?

2.Já, við getum prentað vörumerkið þitt (lógó) á Vape Pen.


Q1:Ert þú framleiðandi?

1.Já, við erum reyndur framleiðandi með okkar eigin einkaleyfismót og framleiðslulínur.

Q2:Hver er aðal vörulínan þín?

2.Við erum fagmenn framleiðandi Vape Pen, Vape Mod, einnota Vape, og rafsígarettur.

-Um Logistics

Q1: Hver er afhendingarhöfnin þín?

1.Næsta höfn okkar er Hong Kong, Kína.

Q2: Ég hef lagt inn pöntun, hversu langan tíma mun það taka þig að undirbúa sendingu?

2.Venjulega er hægt að senda innan 3 daga

Q3: Hvaða flutninga sendir þú í gegnum

Við notum flugflutninga. Það mun taka 3 ~ 7 daga fyrir sendingu (fer eftir áfangastað) í gegnum UPS, DHL, Fedex, TNT, EMS, Air Express, o.s.frv.

Q4: Hvenær get ég fylgst með pöntuninni minni?

Eftir að pakkinn er sendur, þú munt fá tilkynningu í tölvupósti sem inniheldur rakningarnúmerið.

Q5: Eru einhver vandamál með vörurnar til að tollafgreiða?

Við erum í samstarfi við faglegt flutninga- og flutningsfyrirtæki til að tryggja að vörurnar standist tollinn vel.

– Um skil og skipti

1.Allar vörur eru stranglega skoðaðar fyrir umbúðir til að tryggja að gallað hlutfall sé minna en 1%.

2.Ef einhverjir gallar verða við flutning eða óviðeigandi notkun,Við munum senda þér varamann í næstu pöntun.

3.Kaupendur geta skilað hlut(s) fyrir endurgreiðslu innan 7 daga frá þeim degi sem hluturinn er varinn(s) bárust, og kaupandinn á að standa straum af sendingarkostnaði fyrir skil. Atriðið(s) verður að skila í nákvæmlega sama ástandi og þegar það var afhent.

4.Kaupendur geta skilað hlutnum(s) fyrir endurgreiðslu ef þau eru ekki eins og lýst er eða með gæðavandamál innan 7 daga frá þeim degi sem hluturinn er varinn(s) voru móttekin. Kaupandinn þarf að standa straum af sendingarkostnaði fyrir skil, miðað við ástand hlutarins(s) fengið.

☆ Velkomið að hafa samband við okkur

*Velkomið að hafa samband við okkur ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar ekki hika við.

*Ef þú hefur einhverjar athugasemdir eða tillögur, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við okkur. Við erum mjög fús til að eiga samskipti við þig til að bæta þjónustu okkar.

*Tölvupóstinum þínum verður venjulega svarað innan 24 klukkustundir, Ef þú færð ekki svar okkar, vinsamlegast sendu tölvupóstinn þinn aftur og við munum svara þér eins fljótt og auðið er.

Veldu bragðið þitt

Random flavors(fast delivery), Cool Mint, Lush Ice, Tangerine ice, Strawberry Donut, Gummy Bear, Blueberry On Ice, Mango On ice, Peach Ice, Banana Ice, Grape Ice, Pink Lemonade, Pina Colada Rum, Mixed Berries, Banana Milkshake, Jarðarber vatnsmelóna, Red Apple Lemon, Pineapple ice, Cotton Candy, Strawberry banana, Strawberry ice, Strawberry Kiwi, Red energy ice, Blue razz lemonade, Red apple ice, Berry lemonade, Blueberry bubblegum, Blue sour raspberry, Mr blue, Apple peach pear, Blueberry pomegranate, Vimto, Kiwi passion fruit guava, Cola, Sour apple, Blackcurrant menthol, Tiger blood, Peach blueberry candy, Peach mango, Strawberry Red Bull, Blackcurrant Ice, Strawberry Watermelon Lemonade, Cherry, Blue Razz Cherry, Skittles, Bláberja hindberjum, Strawberry grape, Blueberry Cherry Cranberry, Apple Berry blast, Cherry Cola, Lemon & Lime


2%, 5%


Það eru engar umsagnir ennþá.

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